Second Nature

A digital companion to help prevent type 2 diabetes


A science-based digital programme for long-term behavioural change, sustainable weight loss and diabetes type 2 prevention.


Second Nature is headed by Chris Edson (CEO) and Mike Gibbs (COO). The two co-founders are both ex-top-tier consultants (servicing the NHS), and have been Awarded Forbes 30 Under 30 for services to healthcare. Chris worked in different startups, including Giglist and Trussle; whilst Mike successfully ran and exited a digital marketing company.


A total of 1.9 billion adults are overweight, which is a common cause of type 2 diabetes. The numbers have more than tripled since the 1970s and some countries spend 10% of their annual healthcare budgets on diabetes or related conditions.


Second Nature combines behavioral science with digital technologies to help patients change their habits and take back control of their health. Used by UK’s national health service (“NHS”), the app tracks, measures, and educates users on nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress, and well-being. Long term studies confirmed the program’s efficiency to lose weight permanently.


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