
AI assistant for healing professionals


Upheal is an AI-powered note-taking tool for mental health professionals with insights analytics built-in.


Juraj with experience from fast-growing startups like productboard has decided to build in the space of mental health after his own traumatic life experiences. Joined by Martin, a former colleague from Avast, who is a seasoned engineering leader they embarked on the mission to free up healing professionals from admin tasks so they can focus on what really matters.


Healing professionals like therapists, psychiatrists, or coaches spend hours on documentation which is causing burnout and eventually a lower quality of care.


Upheal is building an AI assistant with a growing set of skills and workflow capabilities. Therapists use the HIPAA-compliant app to host their online sessions (or upload in-person ones) which are seamlessly transcribed and summarized with a combination of powerful GPT models. The AI-powered templates can be customized and used in sync with built-in EHR capabilities.


Health Backend

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