Stephanie Urbanski

Managing Director

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Like many other team members, Stephanie started out as a Supporting Partner of Calm/Storm before she became a full-time member of the team. Today she is not only managing director of the fund but the true backbone of the fund’s entire organization. With her extensive experience in project management, marketing, and communication, she is the managing director one can only dream of in an organization. In her previous positions, Stephanie worked in fast-paced and high-performance work environments, from start-ups (Playbrush) to multinationals (Nokia), in both Europe and the US. Stephanie has a passion for technology and female empowerment and is the co-founder of a community (Digitalista) focused on supporting female entrepreneurs and professionals within tech and digital Jobs. Stephanie is also a modern leader and role model in her private life, raising two children as a working mum. In her spare time, she spends time with her kids and husband, predominantly in the surroundings of beautiful Bergamo and Lake Garda, Italy.